Diet and Exercise

Does Diet and Exercise Really Help to Lose Weight?

Are conventional diet and exercise programs effective in reducing weight over the long-term? The answer to this question is YES! Here’s the proof.

Survey of 32,000 Dieters

In a follow-up survey of more than 32,000 people who used conventional dietary and exercise methods to reduce weight, published in the June 2002 issue of Consumer Reports, roughly 25 percent had lost at least 10 percent of their starting body weight and kept it off for at least a year.

Results and Lessons From the US National Weight Control Registry

Since 1993, about 3,000 women and men have joined the National Weight Control Registry. Membership is only open to people who have lost more than 30 pounds and kept them off for at least a year – although in practice most members have lost over 50 pounds and maintained it for 5 years or more.

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Exercise and Eating Habits

How did they manage to lose weight? Answer: by exercising (NWCR members burn an average of 400 calories per day in physical activity – the equivalent of about an hour of brisk walking) and by eating fewer calories – NWCR members consume about 1,400 calories a day). What type of foods do they eat? They choose lower-fat options, cut back on sugars and sweets, and eat more fruits and vegetables.

Attention to Daily Calorie Intake and Expenditure

Dieters in both these two groups pay attention to exercise and daily food-calories. They have learned to balance energy-in and energy-out in a way that leads to weight loss or weight maintenance.

The Importance of Personal Support in Weight Reduction

Most surveys show that getting help is crucial to your success in losing weight, when dieting and exercising. For details of my awesome support service, which is free to all members of my weight reduction program, click Weight Loss Forum


Despite all the pessimistic statements about the difficulty of sticking with weight loss plans, the above evidence shows that it really is perfectly possible to lose weight and keep it off by using conventional diet and exercise methods.

More Information About Weight Management

Weight Loss and Your Star Signs – How to Look Thinner Without Dieting
What Are The Health Dangers of Obesity? – How is Obesity Treated?
What Influences Weight Gain? – Healthy Eating Guide – GI Diet Information
Healthy Cholesterol Levels – How to Lower Your Blood Cholesterol Level
Diets For Women’s Health – Diet For Optimum Weight

Does Diet and Exercise Really Help to Lose Weight?
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