Who needs to lose weight

Who Needs to Lose Weight

Doctors generally agree that people who are 20 percent or more overweight, especially the severely obese, can gain significant health benefits from weight loss.

Many obesity experts believe that people who are less than 20 percent above their healthy weight should try to lose weight if they have any of the following risk factors: family history of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes; preexisting medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, or high blood sugar levels; and an “apple” shaped body, in which weight is concentrated around their abdomens.

You do not need to lose weight if your weight is already within the healthy range, if you have gained less than 10 pounds since reaching your adult height and if you are otherwise healthy.

What about children?
Children need enough food for proper growth. Teach them to eat a healthy diet. Encourage them to play actively in a safe environment, and consider limiting television time.

Fat should not be restricted for children younger than two years of age. Helping overweight children should be done carefully, with major diet changes accompanied by regular monitoring of growth by a health professional.

SOURCE: US Dept of Agriculture

More About Severe Overweight

Causes of Obesity
Obesity Treatment Methods
Treatment of Morbidly Obese Patients
Obesity in Children
Abdominal Obesity Guide
Mild Obesity Guide
Morbid Obesity Guide
Malignant Obesity Guide
Super Obesity Guide

Weight Loss Advice
No matter how much excess weight or fat you have, if you want to lose weight permanently, your diet program should be directed toward a slow, steady weight loss. According to official government dietary guidelines, unless your doctor feels your particular health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss, you should expect to lose no more than 2 pounds of fat a week, although initial loss (mainly water) may be greater. Losing more weight is no guarantee that weight loss is likely to be permanent.

Who Needs to Lose Weight
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