Diet, Celiac Diet

Details of Gluten-Free Diet Foods

Below is a list of foods that are allowed on your gluten-free eating plan, as well as those that should be omitted. It is not a complete list. Please discuss your individual needs with your doctor and/or dietitian.

Guide to Breads and Grains For Celiacs

Eat about 6+ servings each day

Foods To Eat

Breads or bread products made from corn, rice, soy, arrowroot corn or potato starch, pea, potato or whole-bean flour, tapioca, sago, rice bran, cornmeal, buckwheat, millet, flax, teff, sorghum, amaranth, and quinoa.

Hot cereals made from soy, hominy, hominy grits, brown and white rice, buckwheat groats, millet, cornmeal, and quinoa flakes.

Pure corn tortillas, cornmeal, hominy, grits, popcorn; potatoes, potato chips.

Rice, rice noodles, and pastas made from allowed ingredients. Some rice crackers and cakes, popped corn cakes made from allowed ingredients.

Foods To Avoid

Breads and baked products containing wheat, rye, triticale, barley, wheat germ or bran, graham, gluten or durum flour, wheat starch, oat bran, bulgur, farina, wheat-based semolina, spelt, kamuto. Cereals made from wheat, rye, triticale, barley, and oats; cereals with added malt extract and malt flavorings. Pastas made from ingredients above. Most crackers.

Gluten-Free Food Tips

Use corn, rice, soy, arrowroot, tapioca, and potato flours or a mixture instead of wheat flours in recipes. Experiment with gluten-free products. Some may be purchased from your supermarket, health food store, or direct from the manufacturer.

Serving Sizes

1 slice bread
1 cup ready-to-eat cereal
1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta
1/2 bun, bagel, or English muffin

Details of Gluten-Free Diet Foods
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