Weight Loss Forum

Weight Loss Support Forum

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WOW! People on this site aren’t kidding when they say it has great support…


You want support. We got support. After joining on Mother’s Day (I have two grown daughters), I can’t believe the thoroughness (is that a word) of this website. The diet plans are absolutely doable. And the encouragement we receive from likeminded people is the best. We have found the “mother ship”!!


This is a great place for motivitation, support, ideas, etc. I have literally dieted 38 of my 48 years and I HAVE LEARNED MORE IN THE SIX WEEKS SINCE I JOINED THIS GROUP than ever before. Oh, I knew all there was to know about calories, fat grams, carbs, etc. I could write my own book. What I have learned….actually, what I am learning is about self-image, positive attitude, etc. I knew all the physical stuff but here I am learning about the mental part of weight loss. I am finding out that is an essential part of any weight loss program.


I would like to say a really big thanks to everyone!!! Even though I have only been in the program since Monday, I am totally amazed. Everyone is so helpful and upbeat. The inspiration and encouragement that comes from this group is just awesome. Anne, thanks mostly to you for providing all of us with such a great place to cry, gripe and laugh, and maybe solve our problems. My only regret is that I didn’t find this site sooner. I hope you all have a great (and healthy) weekend.

Weight Loss Support Forum
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