Diet Review

Reviews of Anne Collins Weight Loss Diet Program

I joined Anne’s diet program and found more than I was expecting. I fell in love with the amazing support of the other members, talking to real women, and being able to private message or email Anne at anytime and know SHE would respond. The best part is that I have learned so much about nutrition and how to maintain my weight. I look forward to “weigh-in day” each week because of the personalized response from Anne.
Jessica. (Aged 24, Connecticut, USA) Lost 163 pounds. See Photos Of Jessica’s Massive Weight Loss

I’ve tried on and off my whole life to lose weight, and while I managed to lose some, it wasn’t until I signed up for Anne Collins weight loss program that I felt I was actually learning HOW to eat so the weight will stay off. I believe I have finally found the way to lose weight without feeling deprived.
Melissa. (Aged 40, Minnesota USA). Lost 150 pounds. See Melissa’s Before-and-After Weight Loss Photos

The big difference about Anne Collins weight loss program and other diets is the great support you get on her community forum. She really delivers!
Alexandra. (Aged 23, Canada) Lost 87 pounds.
See Alexandra’s Weight Loss Pictures

Not long ago I was on blood pressure medication, thyroid meds, asthma, lipitor, water pills, and 2 inhalers… In Jan 2005 I started Anne Collins cholesterol lowering diet and joined her weight loss chat forum. By May I had lost 40 pounds and my cholesterol dropped 70 points. In October I reached my goal of 130. My doctor had lowered my thyroid medication by half. I also have my cholesterol under control without meds. I no longer need blood pressure pills… I no longer have to use a laxative every night. I no longer have to use my inhalers. As you can see, Anne Collins has had a big impact on my life, and I have no hesitation in recomending her program and weight loss forum.
Marty. (Aged 65, from Alabama USA). Lost 57 pounds. See Pictures Of Marty’s Weight Loss

I’ve learned so much from Anne and the other contributors to her weight loss forum… I found Anne’s motivation tips invaluable in helping me adjust my attitude and get myself into the right frame of mind to make a real lifestyle change rather than just “going on a diet… If you need extra help, join Anne Collins diet program – it really is motivating.
Juliette. (Aged 40, Scotland) Lost 45 pounds.
See Photos of Juliette’s Weight Loss Success

Today I weigh less than I ever have in my adult life. I’m proud of my appearance, and the effort I’ve put into losing the excess weight. I couldn’t have done it without Anne Collins personal assistance, or without all of my friends on her weight loss forum.
Kathy. (Aged 42, Kansas USA) Lost 40 pounds.
See Pictures Of Kathy’s New Shape

Since I came across Anne Collins weight loss program I haven’t looked back! I particularly love the GI diet plan. It helps me maintain a steady flow of blood sugar and not feel bad in between meals… I highly recommend Anne Collin’s eating plans… Also… her Chat Forums where you can share your successes and struggles with other dieters… I’m working on losing 15 more pounds to be where I was in High School!
Rene. (Aged 36, USA) Lost 35 pounds, dropped from a size 16 to a size 8. See Rene’s Weight Loss Photos

I lost 28 pounds in 4.5 months. I can honestly say that I never even considered giving up. The support from the other forum members, and from Anne herself, was incredible, and constant – day or night! I could not have asked for more. Anne Collins is so real, so caring and her weight loss community is truly unbelievable.
Jackie. (Aged 49, UK) Lost 28 pounds.

Lost My 100th Pound TODAY!
I was going to wait until my weigh-in day Sunday.. But I just couldn’t! I lost that one ONERY pound that was hanging on and made it to my 100 pounds loss! And I made it BEFORE my first anniversary of joining Anne Collins wonderful program. LOOKY ANNE, You said when I started that I could be 100 pounds less in a year and dang it you were right! I had 130 pounds to lose when I started… 30 pounds to go and I know I will see most of that gone soon. So, I want to thank you Anne and all the members here who have helped me so much during my year long journey so far. And I know you will continue to help me to reach my goal! OH >>> I almost forgot to tell you… My boss at the sporting goods store came up to me yesterday and said ..I want to give you something for your accomplishments. I know you have worked hard. He handed me an envelope and it had $100.00 in it.. I was soooooooo shocked ! That was so nice of him.:)
Post on Anne Collins Forum by PattiK57 (Missouri)

Reviews of Anne Collins Weight Loss Diet Program
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