Cellulite Diet

Healthy Eating For Cellulite Reduction

As I said on the previous page, there is no such thing as a cellulite-reduction diet plan. A straightforward healthy eating plan will help to strengthen our overall inner health and resistance and may help improve cellulite-related functions, like lymph flow and blood circulation, but the diet won’t affect the cellulite directly. It can only help to strengthen, cleanse or detox the body.

Short-Term Cleansing Diet For Cellulite Sufferers

Here are some very useful foods to include in your cleansing diet to help your cellulite. Eat organic varities where possible.

Fresh Fruit

Containing fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (eg. bioflavonoids and anti-ageing anthocyanidins), as well as water, fruit is one of the top health and cleansing foods. The vitamin C in particular contains antioxidants that combat the harmful free-radicals found in things like, alcohol, fried and smoked food and cigarette smoke.

Especially healthy fruits include: apples, blueberries, cherries, blackberries, cantaloupe melons, cranberries, grapefruit, grapes, kiwifruit, mango, oranges, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries.

Note: Start the day by drinking a glass of hot water with a squeeze of lemon. This helps to detox your liver and revitalise the body.

Fresh Vegetables

Like fruit, vegetables contain fiber as well as a huge range of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. In particular, some vegetables are good sources of the antioxidant vitamins A, C and E which help improve resistance against serious disease. Antioxidant-rich foods are also supposed to strengthen the skin’s connective tissue; helpful because weak connective tissue permits the intrusion of fatty cells into the epidermis causing the familiar appearance of cellulite on thighs and butt.

Especially healthy veggies include: artichokes, bell-peppers, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, fennel, leeks, onions, salad leaves, spinach, tomatoes.

Nuts and Seeds

Containing omega-3 essential fatty acids, vitamins like B-complex, and vitamin E, as well as important antioxidant minerals like selenium (Brazils), nuts and seeds are another super-health food. Eat unsalted nuts, like almonds, cashews, brazil nuts and walnuts; seeds like sunflower, flaxseeds, poppy seeds and pumpkin seeds.

Herbs and Spices

Among the best are: chili, chives, garlic, ginger, mustard, parsley.


Drink only mineral water. Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day.

Healthy Eating For Cellulite Reduction
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