This is a sample of a day’s eating on a PCOS diet, shown for illustrative purposes only, to display a variety of possible foods.
3/4 cup All-Bran with low-fat milk
2 slices any wholegrain bread with margarine
1/2 cup blueberries (or, 2 small oatmeal cookies)
Sourdough or wholegrain roll
1 slice lean ham (or turkey)
1/2 cup sliced bell pepper (or salad)
1 apple (or soft-serve yogurt w.strawberries)
1 banana (or 1oz low-fat mozzarella stick)
5oz salmon (broiled) (or 4oz chicken breast)
1/2 cup spinach
1/2 cup carrots
1/2 cup cooked basmati/brown rice
1 medium scoop low-fat ice-cream w. 1/2 cup canned peaches (juice)
For an excellent low glycemic plan for PCOS, see Low-GI Diet