Quick Guide to Calorie Needs

Quick Guide to Calorie Needs When Losing Weight

The total calories (kcal) consumed each day by men varies from 1500-4000 for most males: the total for females varies from 900-2500. In extreme cases, calorie intake can vary wildly, from 0 for someone on a water fast, to over 8000 kcal for a logger who burns them all while working, without gaining an ounce, and as high as 12,000 kcal per day for weight-lifters and bodybuilders.

What Determines Energy Needs

Our calorie needs are typically determined by a number of factors, including:

– Our present weight
– Our height
– Our age
– Our gender
– Our exercise routine
– Our health
– Our body-fat-percentage
– Our environment
– How fast we want to lose weight

To obtain an accurate assessment of our calorie needs, all these factors need to be considered.

Rough Estimate of Calorie Needs to Lose Weight

Here is a very rough guide of how many calories you need per day, if you want to lose weight. It’s a ballpark estimate only.

Teenagers need about 1500-1800 calories per day

Women (Non-Active)
Sedentary women typically need about 1100-1300 calories per day

Women (Active)
Active women typically need about 1400-1600 calories per day

Men (Non-Active)
Sedentary men typically need about 1600-1800 calories per day

Men (Active)
Active men typically need about 1800-2000 calories per day

Quick Estimate of Calorie Needs

Here is a very rough and ready guide to calculating your calorie needs. Just be careful to maintain your daily calorie intake above 1000 calories, minimum.


To Maintain Weight – Multiply your weight (in pounds) by 12
This is a rough estimate of daily calories needed to maintain weight.

To Lose Weight – Deduct 500 calories from this figure
This gives you a rough estimate of the daily calories needed for you to lose about 1 pound per week.


To Maintain Weight – Multiply your weight (in pounds) by 14
This is a rough estimate of daily calories needed to maintain weight.

To Lose Weight – Deduct 500 calories from this figure
This gives you a rough estimate of the daily calories you need to lose about 1 pound per week.

Further Resources
Calorie Calculator For Women
Calorie Calculator For Men
Calorie-Content of Foods

Quick Guide to Calorie Needs When Losing Weight
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